Financial Crunch? I’ve Been There. Here’s How to Work with Me at a Discounted Rate

Terra RamachandranBlogLeave a Comment

A few years ago, when my husband and I were at the nadir of a financial crunch, I had a coach who significantly discounted her fees for me. Without that discount, I wouldn’t have been able to work with her.

🙏 To this day, I’m incredibly grateful for her generosity because the work we did together helped me through the worst time of my life to date.

You see…

…as big messy problems often do, my issues expanded far beyond my financial situation. Wrapped up in that big ball of yarn were also a lot of personal issues – like self-worth, feelings of failure, fear for the future, and just feeling completely lost – as well as issues related to long-standing family dynamics.

☀️ While my therapist helped me clean out and heal old trauma wounds that were contributing to my breakdown, my coach helped me see the light in the future.

She helped me shift my limiting beliefs around what was possible for me and helped me start dreaming again at a time when it was hard for me to see past the dark place I was in.

💲 There are many reasons any of us might need a break on fees at various times in our life when we’re seeking help and support.

😍 And that’s why I’m SO excited to announce that I’m working with Gateway Coaching to offer highly discounted coaching sessions.

The platform mainly works with coaches who are still going through the training process, but I loved this concept so much that I wanted to be part of it even though I’m fully certified.

I’ll be donating a few hours a week to this wonderful platform that makes coaching accessible to individuals in a low-income bracket, or those who are simply in a tight financial situation for one reason or another.

👉 This platform is perfect for:

✅ People who are facing a difficult financial situation, like I did.
✅ Entrepreneurs who are just starting their business and would love to work with a coach, but can’t yet afford typical coaching fees.
✅ College students.
✅ New graduates who are at the beginning of their career and don’t have a lot of room in their budget.
✅ People in a low-income bracket.
✅ Coaches, healers, artists, authors, etc., who are still building their audience/client base.
✅ Anyone who’s in a tight financial position for any reason!

To get started, go to Once you sign up for an account, you can set up a session with me, or any coach listed who feels like the perfect fit for you!

📆 One note to be aware of: Their platform does not have the ability to sync with our personal calendars. So, while I’ve listed my general availability, the calendar will not reflect appointments I’ve already booked. To find out if I’m available at the time you’d like, you can reach out to me on the platform, or simply email me at terra[at]

I can’t wait to work with you!

❤️ P.S. If this isn’t a fit for you, but you know someone who could benefit, I’d be so grateful if you would share this information with them! Everyone deserves access to support when they need it!

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