Vulnerable post alert! For the past several years, my weight has been going up bit by bit every year. I’ve always been a petite person – just under 5’3” with a small bone structure – and for most of my life, I was always quite slender. Then I started approaching 40. Then I had a nervous breakdown at 42. And … Read More
This silent factor could be keeping you stuck…
I’ve got a question for you: ❓ What’s the one thing that’s had the biggest influence on shaping your life, and continues to shape it today? Your parents? Where you grew up? The experiences you’ve been through? While all of those undoubtedly had a significant impact on your life, there’s *one factor* that supersedes all of them: ===> the stories … Read More
This Is How to Get What You Want (and it’s what some common spirituality advice gets wrong)
Do you know what you want? Like with vivid clarity? So many of us know what we don’t want because the painful moments in our lives have made that crystal clear. But when asked what we do want, we have a hard time coming up with specifics. 👉 And that makes it pretty hard to get where we want to … Read More
This quote stopped me in my tracks…
To me, this quote from Annie Dillard is equal parts “Duh”…”Wow”…and “Oh Crap!”. 😐 “Duh”, because the statement is obvious. 😮 “Wow” because, while it’s obvious, it’s also profound. 😬 And “Oh crap!” because it makes me take stock of how I *am* spending my days, and ask myself if I’m on track for how I want to be spending … Read More
Are You Feeling This?!
Hey Lady, Can you relate to any of these emotions right now: 👉 Tired👉 Used👉 Overwhelmed👉 Lost👉 Angry👉 Resentful👉 Ungrounded? Even if you’re not feeling any of these right now… …my guess is that you’ve felt at least one of them in the last week or two, and at least one will probably come up again soon. Feeling these emotions … Read More
Trying to fit in? This is why you should get out…
The first time I saw this quote from Brene Brown, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I spent so much of my life trying to fit in. In fact, I spent a decade working in a company where I had to do this almost every day. Then I spent the next few years trying to mold myself to … Read More
Feeling “off”? This could be why…
I’ve been thinking and writing a lot about values recently. Last week I wrote about why it’s important for all of us to get crystal clear on our values and I described a few ways to go about doing that. You can find that post HERE. Today I want to write about the next step: actually living our values. You … Read More
How To Make Tough Decisions Easier
Do you ever struggle with making tough decisions? Do you ever get stuck weighing the pros and cons of your options…spinning on analysis paralysis for hours, or even days, months, or years? 😩 Making tough decisions is…well…tough…because there’s usually a lot at stake. You’re facing a risk and you’re having to decide things like, whether it’s worth it…which one is … Read More
Let Freedom Ring
As we get closer to America’s 247th birthday, I’ve been thinking a lot about equality. A couple years ago, I had the chance to spend some time in Boston on the “Freedom Trail”. The history is truly fascinating, but it leaves you with mixed feelings. 🤩 On one hand, you feel so proud of our heritage- the resourcefulness it took … Read More
Someone Under Your Skin? Do This…
As a life coach, I help women go from “fine” to flourishing, and a big part of that is helping them find and live their purpose. ☀️ To me, purpose is that thing that lights us up and makes us come alive, so the more we engage in activities around our purpose, the more we feel everything we long to … Read More